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The entire civilized world is horrified at the latest racist murder which has taken place in the USA. Another black citizen deliberately murdered by a white police officer. I do not understand why the other police officers at the scene did not intervene and attempt to restrain their colleague. I do not understand why the onlookers also did not intervene but I have come to the conclusion that the American police are feared, unlike our British police whom we regard as “Guardians of our Peace,” and, when we need help, we “Ask a policeman.” What I also find strange is that the American Declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal and I was horrified when I found out that Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Declaration was himself a slave holder. Yet another example of those who govern our countries saying “do as I say” and not “do as I do.”
This racist murder is being discussed on TV, in newspapers and on all media by various journalists, reporters and others. However there is one class of persons I have not heard discussing it — maybe I have just missed it — and that is our religious leaders! Have the heads of our various churches no opinions on this matter? Have they nothing to say to their followers? Why has the Pope, who has his legions, not spoken out?
Well, I am a Spiritualist and our first Principle is “The Fatherhood of God” which means that all peoples in the world are members of one family. If then God is the father of us all it follows that all the people in the world are brothers and sisters. Some of us are clothed in a white skin, others in a black skin and then there are all the shades in between. It matters not the colour of the skin, the race or the nationality, the faith or lack of faith of the individual, the different names given to God by the different churches, each and every member of the human race is a child of God and nothing can alter that fact. All humans have a responsibility for everybody with whom they share this planet for we are all spiritual kith and kin. Jesus told the story of The Good Samaritan which shows quite clearly that all people are to be treated the same and not differently because of their nationality, class, colour or creed. Of course, there will always be those bigots among us who hate others because they are different. Well perhaps you can dislike individuals but you cannot hate whole nations, religions or races because you have had a bad experience with one person.
It is up to the various churches to get back to the fundamental teachings of Jesus “ Love God and Love your neighbour.” Our churches today concentrate too much on stained glass windows, lighting candles, pomp, ceremony, rituals, wearing vestments. Religion should be a standard of conduct and not obedience to certain rituals and ceremonies. Just lately, during this terrible Pandemic, I have been dismayed at hearing that churches should be opened so that people can go somewhere to talk to God. This is unnecessary for you can talk to God at any time, in any place and anywhere. I have often thought that churches put barriers between God and His people. It is as if they think He is too important and you must not speak to Him direct but must go to one of His earthly representatives. Well I believe in going to the Head Man and He has never let me down. God is my best friend and I can talk to Him about things I would not speak about to another living soul. Mr Floyd is now in the next world where he is being comforted for his terrible last moments on the earth. His murderer will not only have to answer to earthly justice for his crime but will answer for it again when he too reaches the next world. Let us all pray that some good will come about because of this terrible event.
I am offering a free copy of my book “Why I am a Spiritualist” to anyone interested. Please contact me by email
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