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How often do you tune into the music in your head? I'm not referring to the tunes you sing along with on the radio, although these hold wonderful truths for us. I am talking about the songs brought to you seemingly out of thin air.
Meditation can help raise your vibration and help you "tune into" the music language that is being channeled daily. It might sound outrageous but you are being given wonderful insightful, encouraging, loving messages daily. Like the whales songs that continue to baffle scientists it is a message that many cannot decipher. Perhaps if you continue to strengthen your connection the songs will begin to reveal their intention. They are personal and designed for you alone.
Two of my sisters are facing serious forks in the roads along their journey of life. One is quitting her job as a special education teacher, selling her house and moving from the north eastern part of the US to a warmer climate. Her severely handicapped child needs more of her attention and in spite of the fact that our economy is in a slump she is forging ahead with her plans. She will be creating a garden and using herbs to work with aroma therapy. She has a masters degree in child psychology and is now ready to focus on something she feels will be more beneficial for HERSELF instead of the public school system.?
The other sister lost her husband last spring and just found out that the company she's working for is probably shutting down. She has worked as a pharmacist for many years and functions in a stressful environment and believe it or not is only allowed a 15 minute lunch break that she takes sitting in her car. She faced a crisis of being suddenly alone after 39 years of marriage and now she may be without a job that she has relied upon for years. ?
Their future plans are both cloudy at the moment. Both of them meditate daily and each have been given some incredible messages through music. I have been getting these messages for some time now and I am learning to de-code them as they have helped me tremendously. The songs will appear during a meditation or shortly after and they will stay stuck in our heads until we give it to the intended person ie., deliver the message - or decipher the lyrics and connect.
Both sisters chatted on the phone last night discussing their possible futures. One of them was given this song in her meditation today:
?I've Got a Name
?Like the pine trees lining the winding road
?I've got a name?I've got a name
?Like the singing bird and the croaking toad
?I've got a name?I've got a name?
And I carry it with me like my daddy did
?But I'm living the dream that he kept hid?
Moving me down the highway?
Rolling me down the highway
?Moving ahead so life won't pass me by
?Like the North wind whistling down the sky
?I've got a song
?I've got a song
?Like the whip-poor-will and the babies crying
?I've got a song?I've got a song
?And I carry it with me and I sing it proud?
If it gets me nowhere, I'll go there proud?
Moving me down the highway?
Rolling me down the highway?
Moving ahead so life won't pass me by?
And I'm gonna go there free
?Like the fool I am and I'll always be?
I've got a dream?I've got a dream?
They can change their minds but they can't change me?
I've got a dream?I've got a dream?
I know I could share it if you want me to
?If your going my way I'll go with you
?Moving me down the highway
?Rolling me down the highway
?Moving ahead so life won't pass me by
?Moving me down the highway
?Rolling me down the highway?
Moving ahead so life won't pass me by
Learn to listen to the personal messages being brought to you. It can begin with meditation.
To learn how please visit Meditation Mojo.
::?I have moved my thoughts into action through meditation- this has caused me to create artwork for a cause please take a look. ?
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