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Sinister symbolism
Jay Sawyerr: Okay, good evening everybody, and welcome to the City of Truro. My apologies for the last-minute change of venue, but as you can see, there has been rather more interest than anyone could have anticipated. I’m aware that some of you have travelled a great distance to be here tonight, and for that I am truly honoured.
It’s wonderful to see so many youngsters in the audience. They are, in many ways, the adults among us, if we gauge maturity in terms of open-mindedness, unfettered imagination and aversion to authority. This is actually a subject that I’d like to touch upon, briefly, before I start.
If I were to mention the term ‘child sacrifice’, you would most likely picture a stone altar, and perhaps a hooded figure with a blade. It’s a practise that was prevalent in the past and, unfortunately, continues to this day.
A sacrifice needn’t involve killing, however. It’s the symbolic handing over of the child, willingly, that is of greatest significance. I’m sure you’re all familiar with the story of Abraham and Isaac. And it’s precisely this kind of sacrifice that occurs every day, on a massive scale. It’s called the education system. Yes, the ritual has a modern face, but let’s not be squeamish about it: The meaning behind the symbolism remains the same. By tossing our kids into the meat-grinder, we’re offering up their life-force to feed and sustain the Beast – the system. That we do it in ignorance makes our energy no less palatable to those who receive it.
The Devil, the Reptilians, the Illuminati… It doesn’t matter how the monster is perceived, as long as we discern what it represents; because, as in any nightmare, the bad guy is merely an aspect of ourselves.
If you think I’m being melodramatic about any of this, just look in the mirror… Because we ARE those children. And hasn’t the system done a fantastic job? Open minds have been closed, imagination has been fettered, and aversion to authority has become either acquiescence to it or dependence upon it. But that’s all in our best interests, right? We must believe so, because the cycle continues, unabated, and the young emerge from the system as limited, fearful and pathetic as we are.
My friends, our children where a noose to school, literally, and yet we not only fail to see the symbolism of that, we actually submit to it ourselves, and call it freedom! How could we have been so blind, for so long?
The good news, of course, is that it doesn’t have to be this way. But if we’re going to turn it around, we need to start taking responsibility for our own offspring. …When? Well, how about right now?
In the words of Alice Cooper: “School’s out… completely!”
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