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As I watched this nation approach election day, I was astonished at the absurdities being spread regarding the men running for office. What is the truth and what has happened to our ability to discern between fact and fiction? The media is no longer unbiased and a poor source for anyone trying to make a clear-cut voting decision. How is a man to form his own opinion? Perhaps like many...he no longer holds one.
From early on we are taught to follow the leadership of others. Parents, teachers, coaches and political leaders all saying, "Follow me, I know what's best for you."
But do they? Even when things don't add up, should we plow on ahead regardless of what we know to be a wobbly truth?
Are we willing to follow like sheep? If so, then we are doomed to fall off a cliff as we follow opinions created by others.
I have long stayed away from political discussions as the hatred becomes so thick. People unable to work together for the good of all. It seems to be worse when you ask them for the reasons behind their opinion and they cannot answer you. They will quote something they heard on TV or read in a political advertisement.
Busy people living busy lives. Some wake to the drudgery of household chores or work a job to support a family and return home dog-tired. They grumble at the amount they are paid and long for the leisure of their retirement. Do they care about the country and its leadership? Of course. Do they want to read and examine and study and do the research needed to make a wise choice in how their tax dollars are spent? Well, to be's easier to listen to someone else tell them what to think. And so when you ask them why they feel such anger and hatred toward the opposing candidate they can fire off the bullet points that they have heard being parroted by friends and co-workers. Is this truly their opinion? If it is why is it that they cannot answer you from their heart?
I believe the reason so many are unable to work together for the good of all is because they truly do NOT want to be alone with their own thoughts. It can be scary and they might have to examine unhealthy lifestyles, toxic relationships and feelings of disappointment in who they are and how they are moving along this road of life. If we cannot be alone with our own mind and separate what we know to be true... deep down in our gut...then how can we begin to understand one another?
I am happy this election is over. I am encouraged to think that perhaps we can move forward. It is my hope that together all will strive to live in a world where race, religion, class standing and sexual orientation will never interfere with anyone's right to be treated with dignity and respect. A world where all people have the right to provide for themselves. Homelessness will be a word from our past and empty stomachs a forgotten memory. A place where The Haves and the Have-Nots are no longer warring among themselves and have replaced it with an attitudes of loving care. Let us look within and find the truth. Let us listen to our inner voice that is calling out and let us stop the hatred that separates us.
Perhaps you are one of the people that doesn't want to look within, you've chosen to keep your head down as you follow a path others have put before you. This is a matter for you. But if you do decide this course of action, how will you know it is a choice that has been made by you? Begin by taking the simple step of daily meditation. Only 15 minutes of daily silence. No media, no parents, no co-workers or any other means of outside interference. A time to be alone with your thoughts. Trust yourself and know that the opinion you hold is truly your own. To learn how you can begin meditating please read
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