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This volume follows the spiritual awakening of the characters introduced in “Gathering the Light”, each developing at their own individual rate and in their own unique way. For them, like all who endeavour to progress spiritually, help is always available, although this comes in various unexpected ways.
The Spiritual Path is never without ups and downs which are tests that bring individuals to acknowledge their own unique identity and talents. There are characters who know their journey is leading them forwards spiritually, but for others who have drifted into crime and subsequent punishment the way forward is harsh, but just as it is for us all, there is a guiding light which cannot be ignored forever.
Fear is overcome by demonstrating forgiveness and compassion, and trusting there is a purpose in everything. This novel is interlaced with Spiritual Guidance, not just for the characters, but to encourage readers to consider their own Spiritual Pathway.
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Andrew is a Reiki Master who, for the past 19 years, has been writing about Spirituality, largely based on the Spiritual Laws. His mission is to help others on their Spiritual Journey by offering courses and individual guidance.
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