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Spiritual Counsellor/Reiki Master & Teacher
Did you see it today...?
Did you see how the sun rose this morning? It didn’t think twice about how to do it – it just knew it would do what it always does – right on time!
And although the clouds blocked its rays, that old sun just kept on shining until the clouds moved out of the way and we could feel the warmth of it’s heat.
The sun has a job to do, and it does it without fail every day. It doesn’t moan because it’s tired or disillusioned. It doesn’t cry because we take it for granted. It doesn’t hide away because we don’t recognise how magnificent and beautiful it is. It just does what it’s meant to do – regardless!
So why can’t we? We are all bright suns that have become dull and listless because we’ve forgotten how to shine. We let the clouds of illusion and disillusionment block our warmth and brightness, because instead of just doing what we’re meant to be doing, we let doubt and insecurity block our pathway!
But things are changing now! Our choice to stay hidden is no more, as we are all being compelled to shine our light in whatever it is we’re meant to be doing. So when you feel motivated by new ideas that could change and improve your life, don’t let the clouds of doubt stop you. Just do it!
Did you see it today...? Did you see how you took brave new steps that let people see who you really are? Did you hear the confidence in your voice and feel the passion in your heart as you spoke your truth? Did you see the way others responded to your honesty instead of rejecting you? Did you see how you made a difference to the world? Did you see how wonderful you are when you let love create your glory?
Did you see it all? If you didn’t see it today don’t worry. As now you know what you’re looking for, you will probably see it tomorrow!!
Chrissie Batten
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